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Discord breeds page hits?

By Jason - Posted on 02 October 2008

By Jason - Posted on 02 October 2008

So it looks like all the bullshit that's being spewed back and forth over this Critical Mass thing is REALLY REALLY REALLY good for my site's statistics. I've gotten more hits in the past day and a half than I did in the entire month of February. Thanks, dissenters! You really know how to drive people our way.

Seriously though, the first one of you haters that shows up to a ride and calls me an asshole to my face gets a free beer courtesy of ATXBS. But it's gonna be Lonestar, because I probably don't like you very much. ;)

Let me get this straight. If I walk up to you and call you an asshole, I get a free Lone Star. Sign me the fuck up. I'll be on the pub crawl this evening. :p Now I just got to figure out what you look like. :D

As long as I get my cut, I'm happy!

Tell you what, since you've driven so much traffic to my site, I'll give you 50% of everything I make off of ATXBS this month. ;)

Woohoo! It's like winning the lottery!

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