You are hereIt's past the deadline, but it's NOT TOO LATE!!!
It's past the deadline, but it's NOT TOO LATE!!!
Ok ladies and gents, I know we're technically past Wednesday's deadline, but Russell is still accepting submissions through the weekend and into early next week so if you organize or host ANY bike events in the month of May and haven't let him know about it, GET ON IT! Like right freaking now.
Specifically, Cemetery Cats, Midnight Ridazz, any other pub crawls, the Urban Rides (Tuesdays and Thursdays), Bike Polo, Sexxxy Sunday, if you organize any of these events please EMAIL RUSSELL!
If you don't organize any of that shit, why not start an event of your own? A bike BBQ, bike-in movie, theme ride, all you gotta do is come up with a flyer, write something for Russell, and email me so I can put it on my calendar. Boom, instant bike event!
He's also wanting any bike art, short stories, safety tips, or anything else bike-related that you want published and shared with the local community. I won't guarantee what you send'll make it in, but why not give it a shot anyway...
Finally, if you're too freaking lazy to organize an event (like I am) and not artistically inclined in the least (me again), why not write a bike haiku and send it to him. Seriously, he said he wants bike haikus, so get on that 5-7-5 bullshit...
Biking through the fog
I nearly hit some roadkill
Rest in peace racoon
Boo-ya. If I can do it, so can you. So do it.