You are hereBike Hugger Urban Ride - UPDATE!

Bike Hugger Urban Ride - UPDATE!

By Jason - Posted on 07 March 2008

By Jason - Posted on 07 March 2008

03/08/2008 - 1:00pm
03/08/2008 - 4:00pm

Repost from the Bike Hugger page:


Urban Ride

Meet at the Susanna Dickinson Housemap — North end of Brush Square Park, at the corner of 5th and Trinity Street.

Saturday, March 8
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

After meeting, we’ll ride to the REI Austin Store (get some schwag!), then to the Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art for a tour, and back to the park.

All ride attendees are put on the BBQ guest list. Join the Urban Ride on Upcoming. Note that the ride is limited to 20 cyclists.


Due to popular demand they've opened the ride up to as many people as want to show up, but the tour and the BBQ/beer is limited to people who ACTUALLY SIGN UP:

DOO EET!!! There's already 90 people signed up, with more to come I'm sure. I'm gonna try to haul the stereo if I can so this should be fun.

Apparently, there's some sort of SXSW policy on allowing non-badgeholders into SXSW events. That's the reason for the 20-rider limit on "invited" guests. (BTW: All you gotta do is invite yourself using the y-invite link NOTE: they've got separate lits for the ride and the beer & barbecue this isn't the same link as the one we posted earlier -- I'm now on both) UPDATE: Byron now says SXSW will allow more than 20 attend the post-ride barbecue and brew -- just get your ass on the invite list so they know how many to expect.
-- robbo

I'm down....but I didn't see where to sign up to be one of the 20 cyclists.

~ people always talk about my drinking, but never my thirst

Here's the link to sign up:

Bob's on there, so am I. I talked to Bob on Myspace and we're of the opinion that we should show these guys an Austin bike welcome and crash the ride with a hundred bikers or so. What are they gonna say, no? Welcome to our town, y'all.

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