You are hereRubber Tramps present: Poker Apocalypse Ride
Rubber Tramps present: Poker Apocalypse Ride
Prepare for the apocalypse... the poker apocalypse, that is!

Saturday, May 9th the wild and wacky folks of the Rubber Tramps queer bike gang are hosting a ride to beat all others, hands down. Here's the bare minimum you need to know:
Format: Riders visit checkpoints, build a poker hand, and collect strategy chips to win a round of Texas Hold 'em poker. All levels welcome, bonuses for fast riders. Optional entry fee ($2.00). Cash prize for winning hands. No poker experience necessary. The ride is between 10 and 15 miles (road). You need: a bike, a pocket, water.
For full rules and details, check out Michael's page on the subject. There's a lot of complication but don't worry, you don't have to know everything to compete and I'm sure it'll all be explained at the event. Just bring you, your bike, your pocket and some water to the Lamar Pedestrian Bridge at 1pm and you'll be set.