You are hereCritical Mass Pictures, plus what you should be doing today...
Critical Mass Pictures, plus what you should be doing today...
Jose and Doug were doing their magical mystical camera thing last night, snapping some badass shots of all the Critical Mass mayhem that went down. The group got split, people crashed, but most importantly NO ONE GOT ARRESTED OR TICKETED! For the most part we avoided the downtown until later in the ride and I think that was a really really good idea. We headed north to Mueller (first regroup stop), east for a beer run at one of my favorite convenience stores (Sprindale and Sara, right next to the catfish shop), then down to Caesar Chavez and back into town. We hit up 6th St. probably around 7:30 or so, and then cruised up Congress (and past officer Mistric hassling a cyclist), finally stopping at the capital to regroup. I swear, that building is unavoidable. From there it was on to clowndog to pick up a tap, then to the party stop in west campus where two kegs were killed, people passed out, and the party went until 1 or so. Enough with the recap, if you were there you knew what happened, and if not you fucking missed out. Try to make it next month, SUCKAS! On to the pics:
Usually I'll feature a few of my favorites but I need to make breakfast and go to Frankenbike, so I'll just leave you with this one:

Photo by joseole, jumper's name unknown
As i just mentioned, Frankenbike starts in an hour over at Bobby's Bikes, so go get your deal on if you're looking for any inexpensive bike parts. I'm gonna be there early so that I can beat y'all to all the good shit. Afterwards it would probably be in y'alls best interests to bike down to Pease Park and attend Eeyore's 46th birthday! Bring your bike and look out for us, there will be a ride after.
jumper extraordinaire.