You are hereUTPD crackdown on cyclists makes the Daily Texan front page

UTPD crackdown on cyclists makes the Daily Texan front page

By Jason - Posted on 27 April 2009

By Jason - Posted on 27 April 2009

I was perusing my email this morning when I came across a message from James of CycleBum that pointed out this article in the Daily Texan about the recent UTPD crackdown on all the rogue cyclists in the university area. It sounds like the crackdown is paying off for UT's coffers, according to this story quote:

Most of the day’s offenders got off with a verbal warning, but during a similar operation a few weeks earlier, Silas and another officer ticketed 35 cyclists in fewer than two hours — a total of $1,750 in fines, all payable to UT Parking and Transportation.

At least they're looking out for the people causing all the traffic snarls and problems in the UT area... or are they?

“They seem to give the cars a break when they roll through,” Schneider said after Silas was out of earshot.

I guess they know where their bread is buttered. It's a car world after all, it's a car world after all, it's a car world after all, it's a car, car world!

I believe the moral of the story that they're trying to convey is: check your six and make sure there isn't a cop around before running the stop sign, be on UT property, downtown, or ANYWHERE. But you do this already, don't you?

From here:

AUSTIN (KXAN) - Austin police officers are being caught running red lights on the same red-light cameras the city installed to keep you safe.

Tonight at 10 p.m., an exclusive investigation reveals dozens of Austin police and other law enforcement officers running red lights in their patrol cruisers.

"The only time that you're justified to do that and the only time you are legally free to do that is when your lights are on," said Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo.

Click on the map at the bottom of the story to see video of the police running red lights in Austin. Pick an intersection, and watch the violations.

But the officers are not using their flashing lights, but instead cruising through intersections on red lights. The cameras caught a few school buses, Cap Metro buses and other city vehicles violating those laws as well.

Monday night on Austin News at 10 p.m., find out why these officers aren't being ticketed and what the police chief is doing about it.

No, I stop.

The problem is not the cops seeing you run the stop sign. It's all the other cars out there seeing you run the stop sign.

Just like you don't notice the vast majority of cars that pass you on the road without any problems and remember that small annoying minority that throws bottles and tries to run you down, the car drivers don't notice it when the cyclists stop, and instead remember the ones that don't.

On my ride to work at the athletic department this morning, I saw them at almost every corner down 21st Street and knew something was up. Then picked up a copy of the Daily Texan on my way in and saw the article. They are defintely out there today ticketing in conjunction with the article's publication to raise the awareness that they are serious about this matter. Caution cyclists!

Still better than the City of Austin's $167 fine. (Or $217 for a red light, if that's your offence.) And you're less likely to have other uncool things happen like being arrested.

UT Parking and Transportation has always been a significant money maker for UT. I imagine that in the economic downturn that their investments are down, donations are down and they can only raise tuition so much. So they have to make their money somewhere ...

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