You are here2 days left to early vote...
2 days left to early vote...
You've got today and tomorrow to early vote, so if you haven't gotten out there and done your part yet, GET TO WORK! Less than 3% of Austin's population have voted so far which means that a small contingent of motivated individuals could EASILY swing this election one way or another. Why not make the biking community that contingent? I've mentioned him several times before, but wanted to re-voice my support for Chris Riley, Austin's best bicycle transportation-oriented candidate to-date. The special election for Place 1 is still too close to call, so if you have a few minutes and are anywhere near ANY of the Early Polling locations, drop by with your voter registration card, government-issued ID or a current bill and do your thing.
There are several other elections going on (such as the one for Austin mayor) at the same time, but the one election that could really impact us as a cycling community is that place 1 City Council seat. If you need some direction, the League of Bicycling Voters have issued their Endorsement list for the current election:
Mayor: Lee Leffingwell
Place 1: Chris Riley
Place 2: Mike Martinez
Place 5: Bill Spelman
Place 6: Sheryl Cole
Honestly I don't care who you vote for, just get out there and vote! It's free! If you want to be EVEN more active of a participant in the political process, Chris Riley's camp has several opportunities for volunteers over the next week. Check it out:
After that, we need your help. Here are three opportunities to help this
week:*Thursday: Make Calls With Chris!*
1 p.m. -- 5 p.m.
Headquarters, 621 W. 7th
Join Chris Riley for a phone bank to likely voters.
Prizes for the most calls and most contacts made!
Friday: Doorhanger Midnight Blitz!*
6 p.m. -- Finish
Headquarters, 621 W. 7th
Hang a doorhanger on the door of every likely voter who hasn't voted yet.
We'll have bikeable routes.*Saturday: Election Day!*
8:00 a.m. -- 7:00 p.m.
Headquarters, 621 W. 7th
Call supporters, flier at polls, wave signs!Volunteers to these events will receive coupons to Bicycle Sport Shop. We'll
also have pizza and drinks.Thanks for all of your help. I'm confident that with your support, we can
make sure Chris Riley gets elected to our City Council!Thanks,
Katherine Haenschen
Campaign Manager
If you're a real political animal, do all 3!
I just early voted at UT, and I was in and out in under five minutes. The ballot took maybe one minute. GO VOTE!