You are hereMarch Full Moon Cruise - A message from THE FUTURE

March Full Moon Cruise - A message from THE FUTURE

By Jason - Posted on 04 March 2008

By Jason - Posted on 04 March 2008

03/21/2008 - 11:59pm
03/22/2008 - 12:20am

This just in, FROM THE FUTURE! I had to get naked and ride in a freaking ball of lightning to bring you this special report...

The Austin American Statesman, April 1st, 2008
Irving P. Freeley

On the night March the 21st at 11:59pm the underground denizens of Austin's bicycle community crawled out of their collective caves to perform their unhallowed rites on top of the Lamar Pedestrian Bridge. Shortly thereafter they took flight on winged bicycles, loudly and boisterously traversing the cities streets to the sound of strange music and jubilation, spreading a spirit of chillness and good times wherever they rode. Beers were drank, music was blasted, and through it all everyone remained unscathed, though many were affected in some irreversible way nonetheless. Stretching for blocks like a giant blinking and flashing serpent, this nocturnal being of many parts behaved as if of one mind, keeping their unseemly mass together with near-inhuman precision. Deftly navigating through lights both green and red, they celebrated this strange ritual of bicycling fanaticism under the light of the full moon, basking in it's pale glow and keeping this rolling party rocking until the wee hours of the morning. Strange though they may be, one can't help but envy them and the seemingly amazing time they had....

Unfortunately that's the only part of the article I was able to stuff into an orifice before some strange governor-looking dude told me to follow him if I wanted to live, but as I don't vote Republican I got the hell out of there in this glowing ball thing and lived to see another day...

Come join us on what looks to be the best Midnight Cruise we've had in years! Remember your flashy lights and beverage of choice and make sure to check the weather to see if a jacket is required. This is Texas after all, so we'll probably be in the 80s by then. It's also on a Friday night so if you're already downtown partying why not take the party with you? See y'all there!

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