You are hereThe Statesman gets it right this time

The Statesman gets it right this time

By Jason - Posted on 20 May 2009

By Jason - Posted on 20 May 2009

After their last sorry excuse for an editorial by anti-cyclist space-case Cindy Stone I was rather disappointed in the Austin-American Statesman. Well, it looks like this time around they're actually taking a more balanced approach with a piece they're publishing tomorrow about the upcoming City Council Meeting. Take a look tonight and see what I'm talking about, but the article actually does a good job of touching on several of the pros and cons of the plan, as well as mentioning some of the funding obstacles the more ambitious projects outlined in the update might face. I'm actually pretty impressed by the piece, and think that the Statesman shows some good insight with statements like the following:

But making sweeping changes that call for the construction of bike bridges and other features might not be feasible at this time. City officials, faced with a $43.1 million budget shortfall for 2010, might have to start with the less costly measures, such as education initiatives, and phase in the more expensive features when the economy improves.

Good job y'all! If you can keep publishing decent articles like this one, you might actually start restore some of my faith in the local print media.


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