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5 days : 13 hours : 59 minutes : 18 seconds...

By Jason - Posted on 26 May 2009

By Jason - Posted on 26 May 2009

...until the ATXBS Banner competition concludes! That's right, when the clock strikes midnight this Saturday though the world might not be ending, the competition IS. If you have any more image submissions, either banners or just general ATXBS-related shit, please email them to me ASAP.

Here are the full details of the competition:

Who: All the amazing artists that read ATXBS

What: ATXBS banner art competition

When: Through the end of May. You've got less than a week so please get them in to me with a quickness!

Where:: Submit all banners to Thanks!

Why: Because I'm a cheap bastard who can't afford to hire a graphics designer, nor do I have any skill with pen, pencil or paintbrush. And because y'all are awesome.

How: I don't care how you create it, as long as the finalized product is in either .psd or .jpg format and is 970x200 pixels. Painting, drawing, photography, collage, all mediums are acceptable as long as they come to me in the two aforementioned formats. Though I'm accepting other graphic submissions (especially of they're badass), I'm mainly shooting for banners.If you need copies of the logos, here's where to get them:

Clean logo .jpg file

Logo with site name .jpg file

Font used for the above logo

Though I've received a ton of great submissions, right now the competition looks to be between Amelia and Kevin. Who's going to come out on top is anyone's guess, but we've still got 5 days left for a dark horse to come in and steal the show so the winner is DEFINITELY undetermined as-of-yet.

What are you competing for, you may ask? Feast your eyes on the prize:

A limited Edition Selle Italia Fausto Coppi saddle, in black leather with GOLD RIVETS. CLASSY!

There's less than a week left so get those graphics submitted, and if it's not in the shape of a banner (970x200) no big deal, I'm giving out a special prize for my favorite non-banner graphic as well. I mean shit, with submissions like this and this, how could I not?

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