You are hereDiscussion regarding Street Smarts Task Force Recommendations - City Council Meeting - CANCELLED
Discussion regarding Street Smarts Task Force Recommendations - City Council Meeting - CANCELLED
UPDATE: It turns out that the City Council WILL NOT be discussing the SSTF recommendations this go-round, but hopefully it'll be on the slate next month. I'll keep y'all up-to-date as I hear more.
Looks like the City Council re-scheduled discussing the Streets Smarts Task Force recommendations until the next City Council Meeting. Here's the details:
Starts at: 10:00 AM
Place: City Hall, Council Chambers
Address: 301 W. 2nd Street
Austin, TX 78701
Please remember to check the Meeting Agenda website about a week before the date to confirm that they're going to be talking about the Street Smarts Task Force recommendations. They rescheduled last time and might reschedule again, and I'd hate to see someone waste their time down there if it's not going to be coming up.
P.S. I don't know if I've directly mentioned it, but there's a Local Bicycle Advocacy Events Calendar linked in the right-hand bar that stays current with all the upcoming bicycle advocacy meetings and events. It's well worth checking out if you give a damn about cyclists rights in Austin.