You are hereUPDATE: June Full Moon Cruise - Strawberry Moon, plus a band and a renegade ride!
UPDATE: June Full Moon Cruise - Strawberry Moon, plus a band and a renegade ride!
Update: Looks like we're going to be joined on the bridge this Saturday night! Check out the following bit of news I just read:
Hi everybody,
Just so's ya know, the Minor Mishap Marching Band will be playing under the (almost) full moon on Saturday night(6/6), at midnight, on the Lamar bridge. We were hoping to intersect with you. We are a thirty piece punk-rock-circus marching band that was born out of collaboration with the Austin Bike Zoo.
Happy riding,
Minor Mishap Marching Band
This sounds like an excellent way to start an unforgettable ride. See y'all tomorrow night at 11:59pm on the Pfluger bridge. This Full Moon Cruise is shaping up to be excellent...
...but it's not going to be the only one.
I don't know anything about this one besides the date folks. I haven't heard from Damon about his condition, no one's stepped up and told me they were leading it or offered a route, and up until today, I hadn't even looked to see what the topic of the June full moon was:
Full Strawberry Moon
The Algonquin tribes knew this Moon as a time to gather ripening strawberries. It is also known as the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon.
Strawberry? There you go folks. At least 3 of you need to dress exactly like this:

Even if you don't, at least you've gotta admit that her fully human-powered zero-emissions bio-organic utility scraper trike was WAAAAAAAY ahead of its' time. Now I realize where Electra stole their laid-back Townie seat angle from. You bastards owe Ms. Shortcake royalties!
Shit goes down June 6th (Saturday night) at 11:59pm on the Pfluger Bridge. The rides have been getting REALLY big and everyone's been doing a decent job of keeping it together so let's not screw it up. Follow the moon, bring flashy lights, and look out for your fellow bikers. See you in a week and a half, if not before.
i luv you!
Damon is busted he cant lead the rides any more. He has to get surgery on his knee maybe both knees and he'll probably be off the bike for a year. Damon was hit by a car and the driver had very minimal insurance and it might not cover all the medical expenses. so in short he's out of the lead and getting pretty fucked over. If any one has any GOOD advice on the situation please let him know.
The lead postion for the sausage fest/full moon cruise is open!!
fixed gears are like butt holes, every one has one.
well then lets do this!!!
The actual full moon happens at 13:13 CDT on 06/07. Considering that the ride goes from about 12:30am to 5:00am CDT or so, starting the ride at 06/06 11:59pm instead of 06/07 11:59pm would actually get a fuller moon (on the average) for our riding pleasure.
It would also put it on a Saturday night, probably increasing the number of people who could go by a significant degree.
A larger number of people would probably lead to even more people dressed like Strawberry Shortcake, or perhaps somebody dressed like this (from here (warning: almost NSFW)) (but with a bike, of course.)
All sound like good reasons (to me) to fudge it just a bit, presented for Damon's (or everybody's?) consideration ...
Hi everybody,
Just so's ya know, the Minor Mishap Marching Band will be playing under the (almost) full moon on Saturday night(6/6), at midnight, on the Lamar bridge. We were hoping to intersect with you. We are a thirty piece punk-rock-circus marching band that was born out of collaboration with the Austin Bike Zoo.
Happy riding,
Minor Mishap Marching Band
Awesome! Can't wait to see y'all tomorrow. This is going to be a wild full moon.
I like how you think. Changed for the sake of the fullest full moon possible.
Well, moving the full moon to Saturday may be convenient for y'all with jobs and shit, but I'm short on empathy today.
Bob and his attached-at-the-hip music bike will be waiting for the true Full Moon on the Pfluger (Lamar bike/ped) bridge Sunday evening at 11:59 PM (23:59). I'm pretty sure somebody else will be there.
Oh yeah, on more thing; this calendar on my wall says the full moon is on the 7th.
Besides the full moon at 13:12 CDT (local time) on the 7th is actually closer to 23:59 on the 7th than 23:59 on the 6th (by more than an hour). We'll get a fuller moon on the 7th than on the 6th.
You're on, Bob. Two full moon cruises in a row sounds like a hell of a weekend, and I'm game for both rides. See you guys there!
My high times calendar says the 7th. see ya on sunday night.
fixed gears are like butt holes, every one has one.
Hey Justin, email me the rest of the dates for the year from that calendar you have there. I like the idea of matching the Austin full moon dates up to that particular calendar, it seems rather apropos.
Bob and his attached-at-the-hip music bike will be waiting for the true Full Moon ... Sunday evening at 11:59 PM
OK, but you'll be waiting about 30.5 days, as the Full Moon happened almost 11 hours earlier ...
The actual full moon is at 13:12 CDT on the 7th. Not 10.75 hours later. Or 13.15 hours earlier, for that matter. So if you really want to be a purist, get up early Sunday, go enjoy a nice lunch, then go out and enjoy a true *full* moon cruise. (Of course, the moon doesn't even rise for several more hours so even that's less than perfect. Well, that, and that bright yellow thing in the sky might be a problem too.)
But if you're looking to maximize your moonie-ness, Saturday night is the night to ride. After all, the ride doesn't happen in an instant -- it lasts many hours, and 5AM Sunday morning is closer to the true full moon (7.25 hours away) than either 11:59PM Sunday (10.75 hours away) or especially 5AM Monday morning (15.75 hours away.) (The Full Moon, that happens in an instant. Unfair, isn't it?) The fact that it's a ride on Saturday night that has the fuller moon rather than a ride on Sunday night is simply a happy coincidence.
Or you could just ride both nights ... nothing wrong with that.
In July, we can catch the full moon -- it happens at 4:23AM Tuesday morning -- or are you saying we should ride Tuesday night? (Either way, those people with jobs will be lacking in sleep.)
The moon rolls on a schedule, stick with the calendar. This could get out of control and confuse the shit out of everyone.
I've a proposition: Since the Sunday full moon isn't exactly work friendly the theme can be "Crap! I'm s'posed to be at work in x hours."
... we want to match the moon's schedule as closely as possible. Right?
The full moon doesn't happen at midnight unless we're lucky. So we have a few choices --
1- we can look at a calendar and see that the moon happens on this day GMT/UTC, and have the full moon cruise that day at 11:59PM, or
2- we can look at a calendar and see that the moon happens on this day local time (GMT-6 or GMT-5 if it's daylight savings time), and have the full moon cruise that day at 11:59PM, or
3- we can look at the time of the full moon, and pick the day where it's closest to full at 11:59pm, or
4- we can look at the time of the full moon, and pick the day where it's closest to full at the midpoint of the cruise, which would be around 2:30AM (though we'd still say the cruise started the day before at 11:59PM.)
Traditionally, we've done #1, as people have ignored the fact that most lunar calendars give the time in GMT/UTC, even if they don't say so (This isn't the UK! This is Texas!) #2 is an improvement, but isn't usually done. (Fortunately, #1 and #2 match about 75% of the time.)
#3 and #4 are even better, but they require a bit more work to get it right. Not much more, but more. I'll work out the dates for the rest of the year soon so people can see what they look like.
If you're looking for the fullest moon during the ride, #4 is the clear winner, and #3 is a close second. #1 is the least work, but can have us miss the full moon by more than a full day.
Not that it's that big of a deal either way -- it's typically either this day or that day, whatever method is chosen, and the moon is pretty full both nights.
Personally, I'm inclined to pick method #4 by default, but if one of the other methods results in the date falling on a friday or a saturday, we'll pick the other method instead. Though cherry-picking methods might be ... cheating. (Though I'm going to make most of the rides, work night or not. Sleep? Plenty of time for that when I'm dead! But it's more fun when there's more people, at least to me ...)
As for which calendar, they should all say the same thing, within a few minutes anyways. The only difference would be if they adjust for local time (which local time?) or stick to GMT/UTC.
But yeah, my head hurts now too -- wasted way too many brain cells and minutes on something that's rather trivial. I think the cure is a bike ride ...
I'll be rolling with you and roughing it at work Monday morning, and I propose we all sync to one calendar. Now which one should we use? High times? Farmers' Almanac?
there can only be one calendar. HIGH TIMES!
fixed gears are like butt holes, every one has one.
Send me a list of full moon dates and I'll use 'em for the rides.