You are hereCity of Austin is updating the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan - THEY NEED YOUR INPUT!

City of Austin is updating the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan - THEY NEED YOUR INPUT!

By Jason - Posted on 11 March 2008

By Jason - Posted on 11 March 2008

I just received this email and in case you're wondering it's a BIG FUCKING DEAL. The City of Austin is in the process up updating its Master Plan and is looking for input from local cyclists, commuters, and other people who may have a stake in how this city accommodates its human-powered transportation needs. Check the City of Austin Bicycle and Pedestrian Program website for more info, but the short story is that the Austin Bicycle Plan was last updated in MAY OF 1998. Almost a DECADE ago. It's about time for something new so if you have some ideas on how Austin could be better for bikers, show up at your local meeting and make your opinion known! Even if you don't have anything to share just show up and support the local cycling community in a way that can actually make a difference.

If you don't show up and do your part you aren't allowed to bitch on the Critical Mass rides. ;)

Subject: Bike Plan Update
To: All y'all biker types

Dear Bicycle Stakeholder,
You are receiving this e-mail because you have a vested interest in the future of bicycling in Austin. The City of Austin Bicycle Program is updating its Master Plan. In order to collect feedback and comments from cyclists and other stakeholders regarding bicycle facilities and programs we will be holding four public meetings (see the flyer below). These meetings will allow you to directly affect cycling in your community and to learn about the process of planning bicycle facilities.

Please pass this information on to anyone that may be interested in attending the meetings.

* Windsor Park Library (Northeast)- Located at 5833 Westminster Dr on Mon, March 24 from 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. To get there take bus routes 37, 137, 300 or bike routes 25, 57, 128, 30.

* Ruiz Library (South) - Located at 1600 Grove Blvd on Wed, March 26 from 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. To get there take bus routes 4, 18, 26,331,350 or bike routes 60, 61, 65.

* One Texas Center (Central) - Located at 505 Barton Springs Road on Mon, March 31 from 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. To get there take bus routes 10, 29, 30, 27,14 or bike routes 31, 33, 47, 60, 64.

* University Teaching Center (U.T. Meeting) - Located at 21st Street and University in room 1.144 on Wed, April 2nd from 5:45 p.m.-8:30 p.m. To get there take bus routes 1, 20, 29 or bike routes 46, 47, 33.

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