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Beach party pictures!
I'm running late to Frankenbike down at the Willits Shop but I wanted to notify all of y'all that the pics from last night have already started hitting the web.
Jose emailed me first with a link to his Flickr gallery which incldued this awesome shot of the crew as it was passing over the congress bridge:

Jose was on it with his camera, capturing several PERFECT moments such as this epic skid fail on the spiral hill:

Classic! Unfortunately Jose had a flat at the big swimming hole and missed out on some of the fun, but he wasn't the only one out there with a camera. Not to be outdone, Doug managed to shoot a staggering 277 pictures of the ride from start to finish. If you want to know what I'm talking about when I say "swimming hole", check this out:

That wasn't the only swimming we did though, as we also hit up a couple fountains and made a late night trip to Barton Springs for the free swim. That was an awesome ride, with no cop problems AT ALL and no major (or injurious) accidents that I know of. HELL YEAH! If anyone else has any pics (or video) of the ride let me know and I'll post it too. I love this shit!
Frankenbike time. I'm out.