You are hereWednesday Morning Coffee Ride - now with North AND South Starting locations

Wednesday Morning Coffee Ride - now with North AND South Starting locations

By Jason - Posted on 02 June 2009

By Jason - Posted on 02 June 2009

06/03/2009 - 7:00am

This ride has been going for a couple weeks now, but I hadn't paid it much attention because it started so early and so far South. Well now the ride has a North starting location as well! If you're a facebooker you can check the full details here, otherwise here's the nitty-gritty:

Ride starts at 7:00am at either Once Over Coffee Bar on South 1st Street, or Spider House at 29th and Fruth. You drink coffee, ride bikes, then meet up and drink more coffee. Hence the "Coffee Ride" name.

In case you're curious of the route, here you go. Damn, they're on point with this ride! Must be all the coffee...

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