You are hereYou people actually look at this shit?

You people actually look at this shit?

By Jason - Posted on 13 March 2008

By Jason - Posted on 13 March 2008

Wow, I just checked out the site statistics and so far this month we've had over 32,000 page hits. That's already more than the entire month of February, and March isn't even half over yet. I guess people are actually reading the crap I post. Wacky!

So what else do y'all want to see on this site? How can we (and by we I mean Ed) improve it? If you have any suggestions or criticisms, let us know via email, or just comment on this entry and spill it. I don't want this site to be flashy (so you can take your web2.0 and shove it), I just want it to be useful and informative.

You're god damn right we look at this shit, and keep up the good god damn work. Thanks...god damn it.

all of these are aimed at making it easier for people/robots to sign up and keep track of what's going on:

1) make sure the rss feed icon in the browser's location bar is actually present on each page. might have to modify a template to make that happen. that means making sure the '' line is in the header of every page.

2) add an explicit rss feed icon with the text 'rss' and/or 'feed' on the page - the sidebar might be a good place.

3) use FeedBurner to serve your feed - good service, good stats, etc.

4) add the FeedBurner email subscription widget to your site - again, sidebar would work.

5) publicize the event/calendar feed as well as the regular/blog feed. see for an example. that means adding it to the sidebar, adding it to the header (#2 - just add another '

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