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Sexxy Sunday at Eastwoods Park

By Jason - Posted on 05 June 2009

By Jason - Posted on 05 June 2009

06/07/2009 - 2:00pm

Update: This week only, Sexxy Sunday has been moved back an hour to 2pm to better facilitate the celebration of JIMI'S BIRTHDAY!!! Hell yeah, happy birthday Jimi! If you're one of those fixed gear types then you'll probably recognize Jimi's smiling face from pretty much every fixed event happening in town, and if not you'll probably still recognize him from his pedicabbing gig, Critical Mass, Full Moon Cruise or the plethora of other regular group rides. But even if you don't know Jimi, you should bring a sixer of beer and come celebrate anyway! You didn't hear it from me, but last night someone was spouting rumors of a keg? We'll see how that goes...


This (and every) Sunday at 1pm ALL the stylishly-attired fixed gear folk of the ATX gather at Eastwoods Park to get their trick riding on and develop their mad skillz. Show up and session with some of A-Town's best.

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