You are here2009 New Belgium Tour de Fat: EARLY EARLY Flyer teaser

2009 New Belgium Tour de Fat: EARLY EARLY Flyer teaser

By Jason - Posted on 05 June 2009

By Jason - Posted on 05 June 2009

10/17/2009 - 12:00am
10/17/2009 - 5:48pm

Pete from YBP just sent me the 2009 New Belgium Tour de Fat flyer:

Like everything else in the ENTIRE WORLD clicking on the useful link on their website takes you to facebook, so frikkin sign up already. They also issued a press release with the flyer, so check it out for all the official words straight from the horses mouth. The local incarnation of this event benefits Austin Yellow Bike, Austin Cycling Association and Austin Ridge Riders, which means that every tasty beer you consume benefits one of the badass local organizations that make our community what it is. Do it for charity y'all!

Pete Dahlberg of YBP asked me to mention that they are going to be organizing volunteers this year, so if you want to put a couple hours in and in return receive free beer, t-shirts and the eternal gratitude of the New Belgium Brewery, email him for details.

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