You are hereRepost: Mormon 6-Pack Tour
Repost: Mormon 6-Pack Tour
Saturday there's gonna be a 6-pack tour, 5pm on the Capital steps. Be aware, this isn't just ANY old 6-pack tour...

Mormon 6-Pack Tour
Here's the word...
**REPOST** From Jon Comanche
here's the deal with the mormon 6 pack tour:
This is what the general idea is behind it:
everyone hates it when those jerks come knocking at their door, right? well, we're going to 6 people's houses (friends of people on the tour) knocking on the door, and drinking a beer with them while we talk insane shit about "jesus walking the americas". once we're all done with that beer, we take off to the next house.
Here's the dress code if you want to have fun with it:
White Short Sleeve Shirt (Name tag may be drawn on with a sharpie)
Black tie
Black Slacks
(optional: back pack, i've never seen a mormon with a messenger bag)
(optional: mountain bike)
To get a spoke card:
White short sleeve shirt
it's not that hard. we're just riding bikes and making fun of a silly religion. this will be a easy ride. not a race so bring all your friends and tell them that jesus wants them to drink beer and ride bikes. people love it when jesus wants them to do stuff.
we meet at 5pm on the south steps of the capital and will move from there.
if you can't make it, jesus isn't going to be happy, but i'm sure he'll forgive you