You are hereRIP Sexxy Sunday
RIP Sexxy Sunday
Got this news yesterday, folks:
Sexxy Sunday
February 1st, 2009
June 7th, 2009
Sexxy Sunday is no more. From now on if you want to do some fixed gear tricking with your friends, you're gonna have to organize it yourselves. Thanks for putting this on Paul, Jimi, and everyone else involved over the past few months.
What's the reason behind this?
Jimi was saying that once Sexxy Sunday lost its spot at Palmer Events Center the attendance dropped off considerably. Nowadays most people go and play Polo on Sunday at Eastwoods Park. They're trying out an earlier start time (2pm) and include many of the Sexxy Sunday tricksters in their games. Come out to Eastwoods park on Sunday if you want to meet people to session with. Chances are a couple of them will be on the non-used side of the courts doing their thing already.
I hear that an evening titty trick thursdays might be starting soon. Keep your wheels peeled.
Eeeeeeeeeeeexcellent, Smithers...