You are herePedal Power in India Presentation @ Rhizome Collective
Pedal Power in India Presentation @ Rhizome Collective
04/14/2008 - 6:00pm
04/14/2008 - 10:00pm
Just got the following from Simon, sorry for the late notice. Sounds like a badass talk for all you urban farmers and sustanability freaks out there. ;)
What: Talk and Presentation on Pedal Power in India by Dr. J. Epenezer, including dual-purpose bicycles that can be hooked up to grinders, threshers, drill presses and table saws; wind energy; urban agriculture and other technologies.
Where: Rhizome Colelctive/Bikes Across Borders Warehouse, 300 Allen St., East Austin
When: Monday, April 14th (Today) @ 6pm