You are hereLone Star Ride - Saturdays!

Lone Star Ride - Saturdays!

By Jason - Posted on 18 April 2008

By Jason - Posted on 18 April 2008

04/19/2008 - 8:00pm
04/19/2008 - 11:59pm

Max sent me the following. So now we've got a ride for those fast bikers out there:


This Saturday (4/19/2008) marks the first in a series of weekly rides. Currently known as the Lone Star ride, this trek is an intermediate road ride designed by Austin cyclists for Austin cyclists.

A delicious pre-planned route has been crafted, and will culminate with a celebration fueled by cheap beer, primarily Lone Star.

The ride meets at the steps of the Capitol around 8pm. We'll roll around 8.30pm or so, but please be punctual. The ride's pace is determined by the number and skill of cyclists on hand.

Come out and meet some people, ride with old friends, or just enjoy the zen of pedaling in a pack. See you there!

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