You are hereMore March Critical Mass Photos (including of the arrest and ticketing)
More March Critical Mass Photos (including of the arrest and ticketing)
Ryan Propes has once again performed the admirable task of documenting our ride via photographs. Go check out his blog at or cruise directly on over to his Critical Mass gallery by clicking on the pictures below:
I always love hearing peoples' reasons for riding Critical Mass. One of the reasons I dig the ride so much is that it can be ridden for any number of reasons, causes, protests, or even for no reason at all other than the fun of riding. Here's what Ryan had to say about the ride and I must say that though I don't personally ride it as a form of protest I think he voices the sentiment of many of the riders.
Critical Mass is a form of non-violent protest against favoritism of automobiles versus other forms of transportation, namely the bicycle. By taking to the streets, a comparison is proposed to the relative inconvenience and burden of being in a motorized vehicle at the same time as thousands of other commuters. This is made clear by the relative ease with which the bicycles can maneuver through traffic while still obeying traffic laws. This particular ride was marred by police brutality and oppression of our first amendment right to peaceful assembly.
I think the picture above speaks volumes as to the cops method of "problem solving". Specifically note the officer with the drawn nightstick. He seemed to utilize it to add emphasis to his orders. I can only assume that's the police officer version of an explanation point. Way to protect and serve, guys. Keeping the streets safe from bicyclists.