You are hereNeed a mallet? Our boys got you covered...
Need a mallet? Our boys got you covered...
As many of you know bike polo has been BLOWING UP in the ATX. We have twice weekly games (including this upcoming Thursday and Sunday), a travelling team (minus one collarbone) for tournaments, a relatively new club blog, and as of any day now, a whole mess of new mallet-building supplies:

Here's what Rob has to say about it:
Hey all you guys/gals, I just saw this on, that Gus from LegitBikePolo is leaving the country for a semester and needs to get rid of all his merchandise he got to sell for his bike polo specific company. I've already sent off for 12' of the yellow gas pipe, so if any of you need materials to make mallet heads, come find me and I'll hook you up.
Nice! If you want to build a real-deal bike polo mallet for your very own, Rob's got the goods to make it happen. Thanks Rob! Austin bike polo wouldn't be the same without you.