You are hereACTUAL constructive discussion on cyclists and stop signs, plus a "State of cycling in Austin" meeting by APD?

ACTUAL constructive discussion on cyclists and stop signs, plus a "State of cycling in Austin" meeting by APD?

By Jason - Posted on 24 June 2009

By Jason - Posted on 24 June 2009

Elliott from A2W put out the call for a constructive solution to the "cyclists and stop signs" problem, and it actually created some decent conversation on the subject, so check it out.

On the topic, everyone interested in this issue should show up at the Bicycle Theft Resolution Subcommittee meeting, which it sounds like is becoming a more inclusive state of cycling meeting:

APD meeting on the state of cycling in Austin 07/01/09 Bike Resolution Project: 715 East 8th St. Austin, tx 4th floor Compstat room. Hope to see you there.

He didn't mention it but it starts at 6:00pm. Should be very interesting.

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