You are hereCapital Metro says: Stay off the tracks, yer gonna get yerself killed!
Capital Metro says: Stay off the tracks, yer gonna get yerself killed!
Capital Metro just recently launched their cleverly named new website: On it they have passenger rail safety information for kids, parents of kids, motorists, pedestrians, y en español, but nothing for cyclists! Thanksfully Alissa Shram of the Capital Metropolitan Transit Authority wrote the following article for the ACA newsletter, so we cyclists can know what to do when we encounter the new passenger rail. She sent this to me specifically because she said that the "Rail Department recently told (her) that they are seeing a lot of bicyclists on the tracks", and that it's a safety hazard due to their speed, frequency and quietness. Read on for tips, plus a bonus video with a special message from our police chief:
Faster Trains Coming Your Way: "Look, Listen, Live"
You may have already noticed them. Capital MetroRail are traveling more frequently and at higher speeds along the 32-mile line from Leander to Downtown Austin.
MetroRail trains are much quieter and faster than the freight trains that have traveled the 125 year old tracks since the Capitol was built. These passenger rail trains are operating at speeds up to 65 mph in some areas! What does this mean for you? Well, remember to always use caution when crossing the tracks. Obey the gates and signs – and NEVER ride your bike, walk, or run on the tracks!
Remember the three "L's" when you approach crossings: Look, Listen, Live. Please, too, remind children that tracks are for trains.
Your safety is in your hands. Here are important tips that can save your life.
When you’re on a bike…
- Never ride down a train track; it's illegal and it's dangerous. It can take a mile or more to stop a FREIGHT train, so by the time an engineer can see a pedestrian, bike, or a vehicle on the tracks, it may be too late. Even MetroRail trains can't stop quickly, so it’s up to you to stay off the tracks and yield to trains.
- Cross tracks ONLY at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings and obey all warning signs and signals. The only safe place to cross is at a designated public crossing. When you cross train tracks look both ways, and cross the tracks quickly, without stopping. Remember that it isn't safe to stop closer than 15 feet from a rail. If you cross at any other place, you are trespassing and can be ticketed or fined.
- Never ride around lowered gates — it's illegal and deadly. If the gate is down, the road is closed. If you suspect a signal is malfunctioning, call the number posted on or near the crossing signal or your local law enforcement agency.
- Be sure to cross tracks at a 90 degree angle.
- Never stop your bike on railroad tracks. It is illegal, and dangerous to stop on railroad tracks.
- Always expect a train at every highway-rail intersection. Freight trains do not travel on a predictable schedule and commuter trains schedules change.
- Trains can't swerve, so, again, it's up to you to stay off the tracks.
- Trains are quieter than you might think, commuter rail trains are much quieter than freight trains.
- Always stop, look, and listen for trains before crossing the tracks and be sure to look both ways.
- Trains overhang the tracks by at least three feet in both directions and loose straps hanging from rail cars may extend even further. If you are in the right-of-way next to the tracks, you can be hit by the train.
- Do not cross the tracks immediately after a train passes. A second train might be blocked by the first. Trains can come from either direction. Wait until you can see clearly around the first train in both directions.
Know the facts. Make sure that everyone in your family knows all these safety rules. Visit or for more information on Capital MetroRail safety.
If you’d like to schedule a rail safety presentation for your group (all ages), contact:
Alissa Schram,
Community Involvement Specialist & Rail Safety Liaison
And now on to the video, starring our very own police AND fire chiefs, both in english y en español. This looks important, so you better do what they say:
As Art Acevedo says: "Los Reiles son para el Tren. No para Jugar." Sage advice, my friends.
What are you supposed to do between I35 and Sabine st. on 4th where the bike paths don't connect, you have to cross the train tracks and there's no east-bound lane? I always end up riding on the tracks as far as I can, then hopping them and riding against traffic when I'm heading east even though it seems a little dangerous (and illegal). I just can't think of a better way. What's going on with that section of road?
According to what I've heard in the BAC they're going to modify that section of road (extend the trail and improve the bridge) so that you won't have to cross over the railroad tracks at all. I heard dates as soon as late this summer for when that's gonna happen, but projects like this are notorious for getting bumped so we'll see how it goes.
In the meantime, I typically (illegally) cross the tracks against traffic on the feeder road, then hop on 4th St and stay in the regular travel lane. I hate the way they have that street set up now, what with those traffic diversion bumps and the two-way segmented bike lane. Not my thing at all.