You are hereHelp BikeTexas show Gov. Hairdo what's up: Sign the Safe Passing Law petition!
Help BikeTexas show Gov. Hairdo what's up: Sign the Safe Passing Law petition!
This has been circulating around the web for a bit now, but I finally got off my ass and signed the thing. BikeTexas has a petition to protest Governor Rick Perry's veto of the Safe Passing Bill and help better position them for the next legislative session:

Continue on for the letter from BikeTexas director Robin Stallings...
Dear fellow Texas cyclists,
As you know, last week Governor Perry vetoed the Safe Passing Bill (SB 488). This bill would have made Texas roads safer by requiring motorists to give three feet clearance when passing a cyclist or other vulnerable road user. We are deeply disappointed in the Governor's decision.
Preparation for the next legislative session starts the day after the close of the last session. In addition to our ongoing work in statewide children's bike safety education and Congressional lobbying for bike infrastructure funding in the upcoming 2010 Federal Transportation Bill, we are already building the foundation for the 2011 Texas Legislature.
What you can do:
There are several ways you can show your support for Safe Passing in Texas!Sign the Petition! Cyclists and other concerned Texans can register their support by signing the attached petition. We will use this petition to further build our relationship with a broad range of Legislators and other public officials.
Gather Signatures! Go to and download a PDF petition form.
Link to the petition! Go to the and download a "Sign the Petition" button for your website, or the website of your bike club or shop, then link it to the petition page.
Write a letter! Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing why you disagree with the Governor's veto. Some points you could include:
• Over 1000 vulnerable road users were killed last year, and this bill could have saved lives.
• A personal story about a time a motorist passed you unsafely.
• The health and environmental benefits of cycling and how increased safety encourages more people to ride.Join BikeTexas! There is strength in numbers! In each of the past four Legislative sessions, the Safe Passing Bill has moved closer and closer to becoming Texas law. We need to join together to make sure that in the next fight, we will WIN!
Thank you for your participation and support.
Robin Stallings
Executive Director
Thanks for being the ever stalwart bicycle advocate you are, Robin. You probably don't hear it enough but we really appreciate it.