You are hereSunday morning RIDE: To fix or not to fix, that is the question.

Sunday morning RIDE: To fix or not to fix, that is the question.

By Jason - Posted on 09 July 2009

By Jason - Posted on 09 July 2009

07/12/2009 - 8:20am

Harry just sent the real deal info on Sunday morning's "RIDE". Here's all the stuff you need to know for this fixed-gear optional but recommended early morning bike ride:

Last Sunday’s attendance was kinda thin. Imagine that, nobody wants to get up and ride at 8 o’clock in the morning on the day after July 4th. I just can’t understand some people.

We rode the Decker Lake loop (if you Heavy Metal Fitness riders really wanna find out something about fitness, come join us on that one some time). Mimi got up close and personal with the pavement out at Decker Lane and Lindell and left a pretty good-sized chunk of her hide on the road. True to form, she got back on the bike and finished the ride. Nice road rash, Mimi! Good luck in your race this Sunday.

This week’s ride will roll (as usual) from the Posse East at 8:20 on Sunday morning. (That’s two days before Bastille Day. Come on out and start your celebration early.) The route will be determined by a hastily-formed Democratic Revolutionary Council immediately before we roll. Vive la France!

Those of you who have ridden with us before know how we roll. For those who haven’t, please read the blah-blah below. It’s important. Really.

• A lot of us are down with the fixed gear deal, but mostly we’re just about riding. Bring whatcha got and ride with us.

• Every cyclist is responsible for his or her own safety and well-being. We assume that everyone is familiar with basic rules of cycling safety and has enough hours in the saddle to feel comfortable with his or her ride. Use of helmets is optional (but highly recommended). Use of headphones, earbuds, Blue Tooth headsets or any other form of electronic distraction is discouraged. All traffic laws and rules of right-of-way will be observed. Here’s the deal:


If someone gets killed, it ruins the ride for everybody.

• This ride is 25-30 miles long through mostly urban and suburban areas. There will be plenty of opportunities to refill liquids and obtain calories.

• IT’S HOT OUT THERE!!!!! Bring a water bottle. Bring two water bottles.

• There is no SAG support on this ride. Bring a spare tube and something that will inflate it.

• The purpose of this ride is for everyone to have a good time and (we hope) to become better cyclists. We ride at a social pace, and all skill levels are welcome. This is a 25-30 mile ride over flat to moderately-rolling terrain. If this is consistent with your riding experience, or is perhaps slightly more challenging than what you’re accustomed to, you should have no problem going the distance.

Come on, y’all. Get yer butts outta bed and ride with us!

Make sure you're at Posse East BEFORE 8:20am because they're serious about that start time. With all the french-themed shit in that description, a little wine and cheese might not be out of place after the ride. The route will be determined at the beginning of the event, so bring your ideas along with your bike and PLENTY of hydration! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Harry.

...get your head out of the dark place, pal.

I rode a fixed gear bike for over 30 miles on Parmer Lane this morning and averaged better than 19 mph. I passed a lot of multi-gear bikes, but nobody passed me. See, lots of different kinds of people ride fixed gear bikes in lots of different ways for lots of different reasons.

So what's the deal, datb0i? Did you just jump on the fixie-bashing bandwagon because that's the prevailing sentiment in your little cultural clique? News flash, bud - the format existed for a long time before it was recently co-opted by a small but very noisy and visible minority of bicycle chic hipster wannabes.

By the way, the word you were trying to use is "spay". A "spade" is a type of shovel. So not only have you shown yourself to be a judgemental, small-minded facist, you've also exposed yourself as illiterate.

Have a nice day!

Dont forget to spade or neuter your hipsters. aka ride a fixed gear

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