You are hereKiller weekend, and I'm not just talking about the heat!
Killer weekend, and I'm not just talking about the heat!
What a crazy weekend! Between the caveman ride and party Friday night, alleycat race Saturday, then bike Polo and the Breaking Away event Sunday I've been busy, busy, busy.
Before I move on to the all the pics and such, Leslie Luciano has been hard at work over her FOIA request to the state regarding Perry's veto of the Safe Passing Bill. Check out her blog entry for the full scoop, but needless to say she's sticking with it and gathering all sorts of damning data. For instance, over 95% of the people contacting the Governors' office regarding the possible veto were IN FAVOR of the bill which passed 142-0 in the House and 26-5 in the Senate. If you haven't done it yet, please sign this petition and show Governor Hairdo your displeasure at his vetoing of our bill.
Update: Late last night one of the Statesman's local politcal blogs published some of Leslie's findings, accompanied by a few choice emails sent to the governor regarding his veto. As always the comments section is top notch.
Ok, on to the pics. First off, a much better photographer was out there than I, so I'm going to point you in his direction first. James was at the start and finish, as well as the checkpoint on the West Mall shooting photos like a madman.

Kate, the fastest lady in the race (photo by James)
West Mall Checkpoint: Hit the guys with water balloons! (photo by James)
Andy taking one for the team (photo by James)
Lets hear a big round of applause for Jessica and Heather, the organizers! (photo by James)
Fabulous prizes! (photo by James)
You can see James' full gallery here. If you want to check out a couple of my pictures, here they are. I made the wise decision to camp out at the Barton Springs checkpoint, so my pictures are a bit... creepier than James'. They DO include pictures of the prize-winning outfit and the BEST KISS winner, so check that shit out.
All in all I heard GREAT things about this race. TONS of prize support, awesome checkpoints, a decently long course, and a lot of fun was had by all. Heather and Jessica, way to organize a race! They're going to send me the final scores of all the racers, which I'll post as soon as I receive it. To everybody who showed up and raced, helped out, or just cheered the participants on, YOU RULE! It was great to see so many friendly faces out there, and the participation in the race from the ladies in the community was nothing short of staggering.
Sunday was a busy day too, but I've got work to do and I don't get paid to blab. More on bike polo and the Breaking Away event later...