You are hereFAME! I want to live forever...
FAME! I want to live forever...
Looks like ATXBS just got picked up by regional news aggregator FWIX. Go us!
We're not the only ones getting coverage out there, as The Statesman had a crew show up at Eastwoods Park yesterday to write a piece about our local Austin, Texas Bike Polo Social Club and take pictures of the polo players in-action. The article is actually pretty decent, and talks a little bit about the history of the local club as well as some of their future plans. I'm excited to see Austin's impact in the greater field of bike polo, as we send teams to various cities around the US to compete in the bigger tournaments. Good luck y'all! I would say "Break a leg" but knowing the track record of the local crew, they'd probably take me seriously and do it...

Cyrus, Andy and Israel mixing it up (photo by Rodolfo Gonzalez)
There are additional pictures and text over on the ATXBPSC blog, so go check that out as well for a heaping helping of bike polo goodness.