You are hereTallbike STOLEN!!!
Tallbike STOLEN!!!
I just got an ABP for Boone's tallbike! He left it out leaned against his truck at his apartment and it got JACKED! Here's what you need to be on the lookout for:

If you see ANYONE riding it that isn't the fella pictured, while I typically DON'T advocate violence, in this case I think it may be warranted. If you happen to see it out and about get that bike and lock it to something, then call Boone: 512-426-4700.
The moral of this story is LOCK YOUR BIKE if it's out of your sight, no matter where or for how long. Doing so will typically do a better job of keeping your bike safe and sound than just hoping that it won't go anywhere. Rough lesson.
maybe we should make "missing" signs with a pic of the bike. Might make whoever stole it more likely to just quietly return the damn thing, since I doubt it is going to get brought to a pawn shop.
The bike is going to be hard to ride and will be hard to transport in a car or truck, and it'll be extremely dangerous for a thief to ride it out in the open (being so well known and obvious), so I'll bet it got ditched nearby.
And once found, somebody will probably report this abandoned freakishly large bike to the police ...
is really the wheel. although i do have to agree that its probably stashed somewhere, because it was a rather tall bike and most of the people who wander west campus in the wee hours of the morning are really drunk.
but it was bound to happen. LOCK YO SHIT UP FOOL!!! it's not the first time bikes have been jacked from casa de boone.
...a frat "prank". Doesn't Boone live in west campus? The Tahoe drivers are probably against a bike being taller than their 4X4s.
LAAAAAAAAAMMMMEEEE!!!! I saw Boone riding today, but I guess that doesn't help much. I'll keep my nose peeled.