You are hereUPDATE: Now with Rules! - Will Kern says: Catch me if you can!
UPDATE: Now with Rules! - Will Kern says: Catch me if you can!
Will just let me in on the details of the game. Here it goes:
We start at the capital at 7:45. Shortly before 8:00 Leon rolls up, takes our names, and tells us where Will is at. Game on. Will starts moving at 8 sharp, and then all we have to do is to catch him. Will is going to give cards to the people who pull it off, and has 8 prizes for the first 8 people, including a skate board, $50 gift cert, $20 BJ (or cash), a bunch of 700c tubes, a water balloon factory, and who knows what else?
The boundaries of the game are Lamar Blvd. to the West, I-35 to the East, 18th St./MLK to the North, and the Lake to the South.
Leon will have further details but be there AT 8 because that's when the hunt begins. Shit should get loco.
My very favorite freeman is just about ready to finish his latest bike and from the sound of things it's gonna be faster than greased lightning. To prove as such, he's going to be holding a little contest downtown Saturday night. Here are the details as he relayed them to me. Keep an eye out for a Friday update:
As soon as my dream-sickle is ready I'll be hosting a game in which after a posted time anyone on a bike who sees me AND can catch me wins cash and prizes...prize list is this so far:
1st prize is a Gold Label ltd ed DOGTOWN board with red indies and white 62's
2nd prize is $50 bikeshop gift certificate and
3rd prize is $20 cash money (or a blow job)
Any way it's looking as if I'll get my bike on friday so it will probably saturday night with 8pm as the start time...I will be downtown and we rendevous at the capital at 9 for prizes and shit...of course you know how I roll so we can also celebrate some freedoms yo!!!
Please post this for me and I will confirm on friday yo...leftonred62-willo4 thanx babe! late!
So you're gonna have 1 hour to catch his ass this Saturday, and if you do it you can win some dope prizes. Damn Will, this actually sounds pretty badass. Oh yeah for those of you who don't know, this is who you're looking for:

...aaaaaaaaand the bike:

See you Saturday, Will! I'm getting that board...
1. that bike does not make me want to puke, orange is a great color, and
2. all the new details that keep getting added about the game make me tingle! i can't wait for tonight.
I saw that bike at Clown Dog bikes last weekend. It almost made me puke. I would only chase this guy if the Dogtown deck is a 1988 Eric Dressen! Btw, do you spit or swallow, the little things mean alot to me.
to see if i spit or swallow is cum chase yo!
How about Will dresses up as a fox for this event and those chasing him as fox hunters in red and white... extra credit to those that can figure out a way to dress like foxhounds as well.
Not that I'll be able to make it out, due to work.
I'm looking for an outfit even now!
Unlike this bike, my bike has a chain! (And cables for the brakes!)
(It's nowhere near as sexy as this bike, however.)
all sexy babe!