You are hereBSS' Chris Carter says: Cyclists Beware of White Pick-up Truck on Shoal Creek, P.S. it's your fault!

BSS' Chris Carter says: Cyclists Beware of White Pick-up Truck on Shoal Creek, P.S. it's your fault!

By Jason - Posted on 20 July 2009

By Jason - Posted on 20 July 2009

Chris Carter of Bicycle Sport Shop just had a VERY close-sounding altercation with a white pickup truck over on Shoal Creek this evening. Read on for his account:

Cyclists Beware of White Pick-up Truck on Shoal Creek

I am not sure what is wrong with people. This motorist vs. cyclist thing is getting out of hand. I was out riding on Shoal Creek tonight and a white (ford or chevy) pick up truck tried to kill me.

As I was traveling southbound on Shoal Creek, just past the intersection of Foster Ln., a white pick-up truck pulled over into the bike lane in front of me. I assumed he was parking at the house there so I checked over my shoulder and pulled into the lane. Just as I did he swerved back onto Shoal Creek, looked at me in his rearview and hit the breaks. I swerved left barely missing his sideview mirror. He had a hand written sign in his back window that said “Ride too…” That was all I caught of it. Sorry, I would have read the whole thing, but I wasn’t looking for a ride in the bed of a pick-up.

I sat up and soft pedaled expecting him to pass me so I could read the rest of the sign and get a plate number to call the cops. He never passed and when I looped back around he was gone. Just figured I would let you guys know to be careful.

I will say this. If you are a cyclists and you run red lights, stop signs, take a lane when you shouldn’t or are otherwise discourteous on your bike, please cut that sh*! out. Jerks like this exist because you guys can’t seem to obey the law. If you want more rights for cyclists, better infastructure and safe roads you’re going to have to obey the law.

The moral of his story was it's us cyclists fault for a case of automobile driver road rage? That's not what I got from it, but I guess we all take different things away from an experience. In my opinion jerks like that exist because they're JERKS! They'd probably be assholes on bikes too. Either way, keep an eye out on Shoal Creek. I don't want to see anyone harassed by a motorist (or vice versa) for ANY reason. If you see this guy with this sign, call the cops. That's what we pay them for.

like we invented any of this shit yo...we have been at war every minute of every day since the dawn of man...we've always been fighting and your pretty naive to think that man was anything less than a monster AND your real deadly enemy...Don't be stupid about what's what...this time he got his nerve up a time he'll come with balls all empowered and shit...then he'll kill you no bullshit...that's how people really are... He's showing the tendency...It's already rolling...we that ride as we please didn't send him to you...dumb luck that you know this you could save yourself or be a victim...good luck WILLIAM KERN

I run just about every stop sign and most stop lights. you can thank me later. incase everyone doesnt know already bicycle pork chop sucks balls. I wouldnt even take a shit in that place.

fixed gears are like butt holes, every one has one.

then we can blame uppity blacks for the kkk?

I think its a very accurate analogy.

Sounds to me like the guy was making a wide and sloppy U-turn, without looking very well, and Chris Carter of Bicycle Sports Shop made it all about Chris Carter of Bicycle Sport Shop, while simultaneously spreading the blame all over every other cyclist in Austin.

Shitty driving and attempted murder are two different things. Get over yourself, be careful, and expect shitty drivers.

Assholes don't need a reason to be assholes. There is no cure.

Here's the thing. To many motorists, ANY time you take the lane is a time you shouldn't. The road is for cars, trucks and (grudgingly) motorcycles, and the sidewalk is for bikes and everything else. Got it?

Sorry you ran into a jerk, but are you _really_ saying that the other cyclists on the road are to blame for it?

On the way home from Club DeVille last Thursday I was headed home going southbound on Red River. While waiting for the light at 3rd and Red River an old lady driving a white taxi pulled up next to me in the right-turn only lane, skid to a stop and yelled out her window at me that "stupid bikers deserved to get hit for riding in the street".

Then she stabbed the gas and went straight through the intersection like a maniac and scared the shit out of a pedestrian standing on the opposite corner.

Had I not been so stunned, I'd have thought to get her cab number so I could report the nutty bitch.

You can follow all the rules to a T, but there will still be crazy idiots and aggressive jerks out there so watch yourself!

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