You are hereCyclist vs. Cyclist hit-and-run?!?
Cyclist vs. Cyclist hit-and-run?!?
The following hit-and-run account was posted to Craigslist yesterday afternoon, and forwarded to me by DougMC shortly thereafter. This is fucked up...
Hit and run cyclist
Date: 2009-07-21, 4:34PM CDT
Reply to: sale-xkvhq-1281893143@craigslist.orgI was commuting to work last Wednesday (July 15) south down the Lamar/Pease sidewalk and just as I emerged out of the underpass under Lamar, a guy on a mountain bike dropped onto the trail coming down the steep grassy bank from Lamar (by House Park). He basically materialized in front of me blocking the trail and I t-boned him and flipped over my handlebars and him. I landed on my back on something painful. AFTER HE GOT ME OFF OF HIS BAG AND BIKE HE PICKED THEM UP AND RAN AWAY FROM THE DIRECTION HE CAME. Anyway, five broken ribs right next to my spine.
First picture: my attempt to take his picture when he ran away.
Second picture: him riding north on the Pease trail the next day.
A cyclist on cyclist hit-and-run? WHAT THE FUCK?!? Who does that? If ANYBODY knows who this jackass is, please let me know. This is the kind of shit we get so pissed off at drivers about, yet this asshole goes and does it to one of our own. Fuck, talk about giving cyclists a bad name. Douchebag cyclist on an orange mountain bike, if you're reading this you've got some explaining to do.