You are hereATXBPSC Presents: Sunday Afternoon Bike Polo at a NEW LOCATION!

ATXBPSC Presents: Sunday Afternoon Bike Polo at a NEW LOCATION!

By Jason - Posted on 24 July 2009

By Jason - Posted on 24 July 2009

07/24/2009 - 1:18pm

The local Bike Polo social club is going to be meeting this Sunday for pick-up games at the regular time, but the place is going to be a little different this week:

Since the BFF Bike Polo tournament is going to be held at Metz Park (Pedernales and Canterbury), they figured they'd meet out there this week and test out the court. That means if you show up at Eastwoods park, you'll be sadly alone. Go to Metz instead! Man, fully covered courts, provided mallets, talk about cush! All you've gotta do is bring a bike and show up. According to Rob he's actually going to be on time, so don't expect to roll up to a ghost town if you make it down there before 3:30...

Speaking of Polo, if you happen to see Dan, Miguel or Chris on the courts, congratulate them for their 5th place finish in the Rocky Mountain Bike Polo Open last weekend! Fuck yeah y'all! Way to rep it for the lone star state.

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