You are hereLance Armstrong Foundation looking for volunteers for 2009 LiveStrong Challenge!

Lance Armstrong Foundation looking for volunteers for 2009 LiveStrong Challenge!

By Jason - Posted on 27 July 2009

By Jason - Posted on 27 July 2009

As of a few minutes ago, the people at the Lance Armstrong Foundation have announced that they're looking for a few good volunteers for this year's Austin-leg of the LiveStrong Challenge, which happens in late October. Follow this link for more information, this link if you want to register online, or email these people if you have any questions.

To make things even more interesting, the 2nd Annual Texas Custom Bicycle Show will be joining forces with the LAF to combine their frame building show with the typical LiveStrong Challenge rides, events, and festivities. I'm REALLY excited to see this happen, so stay tuned for more information as I get it. In the meantime, VOLUNTEER!

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