Great rides y'all! We had a somewhere in the area of 200 riders out for the Halloween Full Moon Cruise and in one shot of the Critical Mass ride video I counted 152 bikers! Lots of people (and bikes) showed up in costume and a the rides were a fucking blast. For the full-moon cruise we hit a bunch of cemeteries on the east side to commune with the dead, and Critical Mass had us cruising throughout the downtown area and again onto the east side for some bike-in movies. The stereo system held up (and so did I) through some impromptu crash-testing and all the other tunes were appreciated as well. Keep bringing the noise, everyone! It helps keep the rides jumping. I haven't seen many pictures of the rides yet but here are a few taken by Brian Birzer of Friday's Critical Mass ride:
Here are Jamie's pics of both rides:
If anyone else has pics from any of the bike events of the past week, please let me know and I'll post a link and full credit.
We had some police interference during both of the rides so remember to not get too agro with the cars, even if they're being douchebags. Just blow 'em a kiss and give 'em a wink, it seems to go over better with the cops and still pisses the cagers off. ;)
I'm in the process of editing the Critical Mass video, but in the meantime check out this gem of a "Bicycle Safety Video" from the 60s: