You are hereChristian Bradbury and John Price are FUCKING BIKE THIEVES.
Christian Bradbury and John Price are FUCKING BIKE THIEVES.
Update: Does anybody have a photograph of Mr. John Price, or a better (higher rez) picture of Mr. Bradbury? I think a "Bike Thieves to be on the lookout for" flyer/poster would be nice to have as a handout for the BFF/events in the future. I just want to make sure no one else is victimized by these kids or any of their ilk.
I mentioned a short while ago that some bike thievery went down recently. Here are the details regarding said theft of a very identifiable bike:
here's the guys who i got Dan's stolen bike back from. "christian alan martinez bradbury" (in the picture). and john price (no pic avail).
On sat. night i was at my friends house on west campus when i got a text from Dan saying his bike just got stolen. i felt for him since my road bike was recently jacked. all by coincidence and luck another person with me got a call from christian Bradbury "thief 1" saying he just "got" a new ride. we recognized the probability that it was Dans pista. which it was by description. they said they needed to drop it off some where safe, and suggested her apt. she agreed. so we rode several blocks to her place. i see them carrying the bike up the stairs and so we ran up there. that's when lets just say expressed my view on hipster pussy-faced bike thief's. i told them "I'm taking this fucking bike and leaving" they said "OK" and i left. i returned the bike to Dan's work the next morning. sooo. remember
folks. don't leave your bike unlocked with hipsters around. or at all. hopefully we can all be as lucky as Dan.
christian alan martinez bradbury aka. punk ass bike thief #1
If you happen to bump into Mr. Christian Alan Martinez Bradbury or Mr. John Price at any social functions around town, please make it PAINFULLY CLEAR how much the Austin bike community as a whole frowns on bike theft. These two miscreants need an eye kept on them, and if they step out of line again they need to be SWIFTLY corrected. With blunt objects. I really appreciate the great job that the cops have been doing with regards to bike thefts and collisions lately, but with this sort of bullshit I like to do things old-school and keep it amongst friends. You'd be doing the cycling community a hell of a favor.
Don't fuck with bikes assholes. I have a sense of humor about a LOT of shit, but not about bike theft. If either of you thieving fucks ever gets pointed out to me we're gonna have a few things to discuss.
You can't just say something like that with no explaination...
I wasn't there so I really cant talk shit. But, the way I heard it was that this bike was "found" unlocked, next to a fence, with nobody in sight. Now, maybe this is just me..but, if I saw a bike(especially a nice one) in a place like that I would assume its already stolen and has been ditched. I'm not trying to say that they weren't in the wrong at all, BUT, to leave a bike unlocked and unattended is just STUPID. Now, for what really pisses me off....For one graffiti artist to come on here and call out another giving up his real name...tisk tisk. Rule number one carrot...DONT SNITCH. This has to do with a bike being "stolen" i dont think I need to elaborate on what happens to snitches. So, anymore talk on said writer and his real name will most definitely be cause for finding the person opening their punk ass mouth, and shutting it. In conclusion, this is about a bike..myself and many other very pissed people suggest leaving it at that. Take down any posts containing the alias and real name together. Just not cool...STUDIO..
fuck you. you're no authority on what's "cool". That fuckin' THEIF has bigger worries than havin' his "tag" equated to his name. I'd fucking fill his face with spraypaint if he got crossways with me. dumbass "tagger code". wouldn't insult the vagina by calling you pussy. eat a dick.
Looks like you were talking shit, doesn't it?
hey carrotboy any dumb ass can snitch, I suggest taking this down...
Snitching really only applies to talking to police. Calling someone out for doing something shitty and warning people against dealing with said someone can hardly be called snitching.
Ah, the smell of a rat. Hope all you kids are proud of yourselves, stealing bikes, threatening to snitch on your fellow artists, and talking about getting your boys from the east side, new orleans, or wherever the fuck to do your dirty work for you. Pathetic, really y'all. But especially Christian and John, the two piece of shit bike thieves that this post was about. They're still the main assholes of this sordid tale I've talked to everyone I know who knows them or was involved in the situation, and they really do sound like a couple of over-privileged thieving punks, to say nothing of their artistic endeavors. I've talked to Christian via email and while he said things a little differently than I heard them, he's been the only one to tell things his way, everybody else corroborated the original story. Whatever, this post stays up. I've removed my and the original mention of certain people's aliases, hopefully that'll help them avoid prosecution for some things while still making amends for STEALING A FUCKING BIKE.
There, y'all happy?
People steal bikes in Austin all the time! Sometimes it ends up being that of an acquaintance, and it gets returned. This has happened to my friends several times. Maybe you babies don't want to admit it because the Austin bike scene goes so hard and you're all so fucking raw and you believe in ~~~unity~~~
I doubt the veracity of some aspects of this story, considering that the guy that sent this in got so mad during the encounter he called the thieves "niggers". Andy, grow the fuck up. That is pathetic.
Incidentally, calling for actual physical retribution against anyone accused of criminal activity is childish.
lol "got so mad". You're fucking lucky you dumb kids aren't dead in a ditch some where right now.
If your friends are stealing each others bikes so much, maybe the problem is your friends. Who do you hang with, I'll try to keep an eye out for y'all in the future.
You're right, people in Austin steal bikes ALL THE TIME, and that's the fucking problem. I really don't give a fuck WHOSE bike is getting stolen, nor do I care who you are; Friend or foe, if you steal a bike you're a fucking scumbag and are in need of some corrective behavior modification. If more bike thieves got their asses kicked when they were caught, maybe it wouldn't be as big of a problem.
Honestly, I'd have probably gotten so mad while apprehending a bike thief in the act of stashing the bike they stole that I'd have done a whole lot more than used a word that offended the thief. If some hurt feelings is all that the thieves walk away with they should consider themselves blessed that they ran into Andy and not someone who's a little more apt to throw down over bullshit like this.
Until the perpetrators contact Dan and work it out with him I'm considering these two kids fucking bike thieves. You may consider what I say childish, I consider it dealing with a problem within our community. Hopefully bike thieves get the message and stay the fuck away from Austin bike events. If not I expect someone to get their ass beat over a bike theft before too long.
do what you will...any bleeding heartness i had yesterday is gone today
If this is the person who I am thinking about, someone please find a photo of this guy as well. Over a year ago, he tagged the fuck out of the co-op that I used to live in with his "Rodeo" bullshit. The guy even went as far as to tag the center piece mural in our commons room at the 21st Street Co-op, so if you've been there and partied there, you know that's a huge no-no. I know quite a few people who would love to leave their mark on that piece of shit!
on top of everything, he looks like a fuckin rich kid
his mama could've bought him a new bike
my goodness. I didn't mean to suggest he WASN'T guilty or NOT a thief.....he just doesnt deserve to have his neck u-locked to a pole. Call the police on him. Press charges. Don't punish him physically.
I actually believe that physical correction would do a much better job of deterrence than police involvement would. Involving the police includes a lot of red-tape, various peoples' words vs. each other, and the possibility that rich parents and a good lawyer could get them out of any accountability at all. Physical punishment on the other hand is nigh-inescapable (unless his daddy is there to protect him), WORKS (physical punishment is the bottom line of most legal systems) and oftentimes leaves lasting marks, which serve as a reminder not to behave in a way that would warrant such punishment in the future. Though I'm not saying anyone SHOULD beat the shit out of these kids, I think it'd be better for them in the long run (as developing humans with an obviously shaky ethical code) if someone did.
I also believe in spanking kids, so there you go. If either of these assholes ever steals a bike from me, they should expect to get spanked. Bigtime.
Christian is no conniving criminal- i should know, i dated him for two years. He's just a dumb kid. Hopefully he learned his lesson... either way, he has enough bad bike karma to last him a lifetime. Idiot.
Assuming that everything in the story is true (I don't know either way) he most certainly is a conniving criminal.
con·nive (k-nv)
intr.v. con·nived, con·niv·ing, con·nives
1. To cooperate secretly in an illegal or wrongful action; collude:
2. To scheme; plot.
Well, he called up his friend for help in his heist -- that sounds like conniving.
And you are aware that theft is a crime, right? And people who commit crimes are called criminals, right? Sure, in Texas running a red light is a crime too, but the police don't really treat it like a crime.
But stealing? That's a crime they treat like a crime. It's even a crime of moral terpitude which makes it worse than many other crimes. Hell, it could even be a felony! (Looking at Texas law, it looks like the felony cutoff is $1500. Is the bike worth that much?)
Of course, he can be a criminal AND a dumb kid at the same time. And it sounds like he's legally an adult, which doesn't really keep him from being a dumb kid, but he'll still go into the big people jail.
And this thief has been on the bike rides? Makes me glad I generally lock my bike, even when it's near me and surrounded by unlocked bikes.
But yeah, plenty of bad karma. But that doesn't mean the police shouldn't be involved. If he stole this bike, how many other bikes has he stolen? What else has he stolen? It's just dumb luck that got him caught this time, so it probably wasn't his first time ...
Dan should press charges, tell the police everything he knows -- sounds like they would have a very strong case. And the police should arrest these two guys and get a warrant to search their houses and whatever else is appropriate.
I really don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. Calling the police would do NOTHING. Not to mention the bike technically wasn't stolen, and had been recovered. I have nothing to do with this so I really don't care. But, those guys are friends of mine. I know for a fact they have never stolen a bike in the past, and from what I was told didn't exactly steal this one. They found it laying next to a fence UNLOCKED and with nobody around. Sounds like the owner needs to learn a thing or two as well. I am in no way trying to say that they weren't wrong, I've even told them it was stupid. I'm just trying to say getting police involved is totally pointless. What is even more pointless is people on here bringing graffiti into it and giving out peoples real names..especially when the person saying everything is a "graffiti artist" too.
For somebody who doesn't care, you seem to care a lot.
Calling the police might do something, might not. Assuming the story given is accurate, it sounds like there's several witnesses and the police wouldn't have a hard time making a case against the thieves and getting them convicted. Assuming that Dan wants to press charges, of course.
And just for the record, if you take something and it's not yours, that's called stealing. Exceptions could be made if you found a dollar bill on the street (where finding the owner would be impossible), or found something that seemed to be lost and were actively trying to find it's owner, but `finding' a bike unlocked and getting caught finding a place to hide it? That's called theft, buddy, exactly stealing. Possibly conspiracy, possession of/trafficking in stolen property as well, though I doubt the police would go that far.
Whether the item is locked or not really doesn't matter as far as as the theft charges go. (Though I won't disagree with you about leaving an unlocked bike being stupid -- because there's people like your friends about.)
As far as the graffiti issues go, I don't know anything about that. But if I caught somebody stealing my bike, and I found out their graffiti nickname, well, the police would know it soon as well. Sounds like your friend is lucky he's not in jail already -- his activities seem to be well known.
I've known that kid since middle school and consider him a friend (he's actually on a bunch of the rides), but that's low. All respect I had for him is now gone, this makes me really sad-- he's like 17 or 18.
I checked his age and he's legally an adult (mental capacity notwithstanding), so no assault on minor charges if anything were to happen to him. Also means that he can be held legally culpable for anything he does. That's good to know. Maybe they should take this as their dis-invitation to anything relating to bikes in Austin, as they obviously can't be trusted NOT to steal them.
Just in time for the BFF, how about a humiliating flyer campaign? Wanted posters hanging where hipsters congregate, reposted every time Christian tears them down. Look at the position Cookie Monster's hands are in-- just screaming out for handcuffs! Eventually he'll be forced to move to College Station.
Let's not forget Mr. John Price. We need a dumb looking photo of this guy as well.
Good call. I have no photoshop skills but this shouldn't be too hard. I still need a shot of John, but once I have one it's on.
... it doesn't sound like the kids were shot, pummeled or even arrested. Where's the justice?
`Bike thieves shot on sight' sounds great! Probably illegal in most cases, but it sounds great!
`Bike thieves arrested on sight', well, probably not as satisfying, but it's less likely to get the po-po mad at you.
`Bike thieves intimidated for a few seconds, relieved of stolen bike, then made fun of on the Internets' ... um, yeah.
These kids need a visit from the police at the very least.
what qualifications do these kids need to meet to end up on the WALL OF SHAME?
his neck to a pole and leave him there. It the new school way to hang a horse thief.
If I ever see this stupid looking kid, I'm gonna hit him in the face and there is nothing he can do about it. We need a pic of the other kid so when I see him I can hit him in the face too.
this is why I keep a baseball bat in my car..
Bicycle theft is the lowest form of crime.
(okay there is obviously worse, but that's what the sticker I got from Rock the Bike says)
Bike thieves shot on site.
That's a very rodent-esque picture... Like when you feed a chipmunk a peanut. But that's too cute, more like when you give a rat a cookie. Little bastards.