You are hereDirector of a Bicycle PSA needs "talent", and by "talent" I mean ALL OF Y'ALL!

Director of a Bicycle PSA needs "talent", and by "talent" I mean ALL OF Y'ALL!

By Jason - Posted on 10 August 2009

By Jason - Posted on 10 August 2009

08/15/2009 - 2:00pm

I was just contacted by a fellow named Adam Pruitt about the following opportunity for local cyclists. He's going to be working with Eileen Schaubert to shoot a PSA about cycling around parallel-parked cars. Read on for full details and the meeting location to discuss the shoot:

Hey everybody, I am volunteering to produce a bike PSA about riding safety when around parallel parked cars and I want/need your help. We will be shooting this before then end of the month and have a meeting scheduled for Saturday 8/15 at 2pm to pick a shoot time and go over the details.

Location: 1902 E 6th St Austin, TX 78702-3402
When: 2pm Saturday 8/15
Why: Discuss and plan the shooting of Barking cars

Sorry for the short notice but we want to have this ready for Interbike

For details or to RSVP contact Adam Pruitt at

Please forward to all pedal pushers.

I know this is the same day as sweet and twisted, but I be trucking back to town from Pace Bend and can offer a ride to any fellow supporters of the cause.

Adam David Pruitt
SUP - Instructor
C 512-826-7654
aim: ADPTX skype: pruitt78

I don't know too much more about it besides what I've posted above, but the meeting is at the Bike Texas HQ right next to the 6th Street Cool Store, so if you're in the neighborhood next Saturday, swing by and see if this is something you want to do. From the sound of it if this PSA goes well they're going to be producing more, which in my opinion goes a long way to help with bicycle education, and integral part in the overall plan of the BikeTexas people to increase ridership and rider safety as it pertains to Texas' cycling community. If nothing else your face will be immortalized in one of those cheesy PSAs we all love. Sounds like a great opportunity to me!

Yes we know that our bike ed videos are boring... so, we need riders, drivers, plus folks with creative skills and talent to help produce something people will actually watch!

The Saturday meeting is to set a shoot date and locations, assign folks to particular tasks and find skilled people to help with the more technical aspects of producing the videos.

Adam has storyboarded his first couple of ideas for the project. We want to get something done before Interbike in Sept so we can try finding some money to fund the project. Right now we are self-funding (donations accepted!!)

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