You are hereWednesday (urban) Assault Ride, two words, GO RIDE!

Wednesday (urban) Assault Ride, two words, GO RIDE!

By Jason - Posted on 12 August 2009

By Jason - Posted on 12 August 2009

08/12/2009 - 6:00pm

Tonight is the bi-weekly Wednesday Assault Ride, and the theme this time around is "TWO WORDS". Read on for more info...

Okay, WAR 29. That is a lot of planning. While this might not be my most creative idea to date, it is an idea.

Most of our recent rides have been in or around downtown, so we are going to move up to Central Austin this ride. And, the theme of the ride is....drumroll....two words. Yep, everywhere we are going is named with no more, or fewer than two words. Now before you start with me, smart ass, 'the' is not a word, it's an article. Saying 'the' is a word is like saying Texas A&M is an accredited university. While it might exist in a similar plane, it ain't the real thing.

So, let's meet at Santa Rita (see? two words) for some Mexican grub at 6pm. 1206 W 38th St.

We ride at 7pm sharp!

We will hit Spider House, Flying Saucer and Draught House.

Bring lights, a lock and a friend. Don't forget to wear your brain bucket.

...oh, if you don't like the idea, let me know. I have two very special words for you....

Now you've got the scoop. Meet up at Santa Rita on 38th at 6pm to get your grub on, or show up before 7 to do the ride. This crew assaults the urban landscape with their bikes on a bi-weekly basis, so if you don't make it around this time you get to go again in two weeks! Remember your flashy lights and hydration.

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« October 2009 »
