You are herePhotos and news from the front lines, and links to stuff I didn't write.
Photos and news from the front lines, and links to stuff I didn't write.
I've been dealing with a few personal issues, the purchase of ATXBS HQ and suffering through a broken air conditioning system in the middle of August, so I haven't exactly been the most active writer as of late. I'll try to get back to it, honest, but in the meantime here are a few news snippets from myself as well as a number of the other local web loggers. Read on for some juicy stuff...
First off, on Monday I received a report of a brutal bike theft and beating. I've been scouring my sources to obtain more confirmation, but have been unable to find anything. If anyone had any further detail regarding this incident, please let me know:
I'm writing you from work b/c one of my regulars just informed me of the brutal beat down of his upstairs neighbor, Angela. On Aug 7th or 8th, Angela was waiting for a light at the corner of Barton Springs and Robert E Lee (on her way home from the springs around 7pm). Apparently, a guy came up to her and demanded she give him her bike. she said 'no' and tried to pedal away but the guy caught up to her, jacked her off the bike, beat the SHIT OUT OF HER (i mean face plates, full head wrap, nose plate, totally fucked). Then he took her bike. A Zilker park cop came along with an ambulance and the guy was apprehended AND THEN RELEASED. Apparently there were no witnesses? Her neighbor told me her face looks like a basketball.
This seemed like something you should know about. There has got to be a police report or an incident report at the park. I'm getting a confirmation on the actual tomorrow.
Anybody know anything? This sounds INSANE, though I've heard similar stories of people getting knocked off their bike and having it jacked. None that sound so brutal though. I hope you heal up quick, Angela, and that the aggressor is found and brought to justice. This is sickening. What kind of a person does this?!?
The City of Austin bicycle program folks have been hard at work implementing the new Bicycle Plan Update wherever they can get funding/approval for it. The latest improvement actually went up in my neighborhood over the past week, with the city coming out and re-surfacing and re-configuring Anderson Lane to include a lane diet, islands around the train crossing, and FULL BIKE LANES in both directions along the entire length of the street. FUCKING AWESOME! I've already made use of these lanes at least a dozen times in the week that they've been in existence. Y'all rule. Also on the City's immediate agenda is the removal of downtown parking meters, replacing them with parking kiosks and bike racks. If you want to know where all the bike racks are going (since you're losing your meters) you're in luck as the city has seen fit to publish a downtown bike rack map (pdf) on their site.
Daniel (of Thy Neighbors Bike has been mad active since the BFF, posting a flickr gallery of photos as well as photos and a writeup of the races, films, and bike polo insanity that made up the 2009 Austin Bicycle Film Festival. Of all the pics I've seen so far, his have really stood out. Like this:

Flatland is so dope. Picture by Daniel L.
Jamie also just recently dumped several pages of photos in her flickr photostream, including pics of the Full Moon Cruise, Bike Polo tournament and the gold sprints at the Scoot Inn afterparty. DAMN there were some fast sprinters at that event, though it looked like none of the Austin kids could touch OK Steve. Dig through her pics for some great expressions on the sprinters.
Update: More pictures in a BFF Flickr Gallery from Incase Design. I assume these cats toured with the festival, as most of the pics are from outside Austin. Still, they've got some great shots our locals.
Brooks also has some great pictures from the bike polo tournament and the trick comp in his 2009 BFF Gallery. Please compare (A) and (B). You've got a long wat to go, fixie kids!
Gideon (Beard Papa) posted his set up on Flickr as well, in his Austin BFF Gallery. Most of his pics are from the trick comp and the crowd in front of the venue, so peek through his shots and look for your friends!
Elliott from A2W posted up some pictures of the Joy Ride Art Show in their flickr photostream, as well as pics of the accompanying Social Ride.
If anyone else has pics of the festivities from the past week or so, hit me up and tell me where you're hosting them. MILLIONS of people have been asking me for pictures, so if you give me the links I'll be sure to feature them in an article. DO EET.
The guys at A2W also wrote a BFF wrapup article where they highlight the goods and the bads of the Festival. The goods were very good but the bads were two things I also noticed, namely the lack of quality bicycle parking spots at the various events and the fact that it's AUGUST IN TEXAS. Last years' Austin BFF was in October, and I know it was probably a scheduling issue that brought them here this month, but C'MON. It's AUGUST. In TEXAS. Next year, hopefully they'll have more parking and a better timed festival, but aside from those two minor gripes I agree with the A2W crew that it was a well-run event, full of awesome films, races, tournaments, parties, art shows, and all the other accoutrement of an excellent bicycle film festival.
Also found on the A2W site is a profile of my friend Brad and his innovative lighting product, the Flashbak. Many of you have seen his distinctive lighting system on the full moon cruises, Wednesday Assault Rides, Thursday Social Rides, or many of the other events around town, but have never met the inventor of the product. This article is your chance to get to know a little more about the badassness that is Brad, as well as some of the design decisions and process that led to the invention of the Flashbak. I've got one myself, and have used it regularly on my trailer, to great effect. Hell, if people are slowing down in their cars to ask me about my light, it means they SEE ME and that's a good thing, right?
Finally, though it's not local news, a reader sent me a link to a NYC photo project called A Girl's Bike. Looking through the pics I'm blown away by the number of 20" BMX and lowrider bicycles amongst the ranks of fixies, hybrids and cruiser bikes. I guess in a flat city like New York they work fine, but I can't imagine an Austinite commuting more than a couple miles on one. An interesting photo collection to be sure, combining my two favorite subjects: girls and bikes.
That's about it for now. There's been some exciting new news out of Yellow Bike as well, but that's for another article. Bike riding time.