You are herePics from last nights ride, a new photoblog, and a heads-up about a douchebag groper on the ride.

Pics from last nights ride, a new photoblog, and a heads-up about a douchebag groper on the ride.

By Jason - Posted on 14 August 2009

By Jason - Posted on 14 August 2009

Last nights ride was a blast as usual, and as has become standard we had several excellent photographers out and about shooting photos. Doug was the first one to the plate with over 200 pictures in his gallery. The ride split in two at the beginning but from the sound of things the movie half of the ride wasn't very well attended. Should be interesting to see if they try splitting the ride to make it more manageable in the future, and if so how they keep the groups semi-even.

Vince was also out and about taking pictures for his photoblog Onedropcolors. He's been taking pictures for a while now but this is the first I've heard of his blog, so if it's also your initial exposure to it flip through a few pages, he updates frequently and includes content beyond the typical bike ride photos. Good stuff Vince, I'm looking forward to checking your shit on a regular basis. I've added a link to his site to the right if you want to refer back to it later.

Ok, on to the sexual predator douchebag. This was the first time I've seen this guy on a ride, and according to his roomate Kenny the first time he's BEEN on one, but obviously this asshole doesn't know how to conduct himself in polite society. Last night while briefly talking to a female cyclist he grabbed her tit in front of witnesses, then completely denied doing it. He kept being an asshole, denying what he did while winking at the victim, and shadowing his target for another 10 minutes before actually HITTING her with his bicycle. At that point shit needed to get dealt with, and it did. His intended victim stood up for herself and seriously jawed this dude, then he got knocked on his ass. The reason I'm mentioning this is that if ANYBODY sees this scumfuck outside of a cage or off of a leash, please point him out to me so that I can alert animal control or whatever form of authority that can best deal with the problem:

Sex Crime Dude photo #1, by Doug

Sex Crime Dude photo #2, by Doug

I know several acquaintances of his, so it shouldn't be too hard to find out who he is. I only say "acquaintance" because I find it impossible to believe that a guy that has to stoop to assaulting women to get some action actually has any "friends". From what others have told me he likes to show up at Sunday kickball and try to start shit, so it seems that his anti-social predilections go beyond specifically sexual assault and into the general arena of total douchebaggery. If anybody has a name or any other intimately personal documents regarding this particular cycling molester, please let me know. Until he's been ID'd I think I'll call him "Sex Crime Dude". And if you see him on a ride, do everybody a favor and bust out the public shaming. I think EVERYONE around him should know what he's been up to, so as to keep a proper eye on this dog and wack him with a rolled up newspaper if he doesn't respectfully heel to the humans that actually attend the events.

Yeah, fuck this guy. Kenny, you're cool, but fuck your roomate.

I'm no bike snob, but he should have been punched in the face for his Walmart Schwinn long before he got a chance to grope at any women.

my hand still hurts. i hope the next girl stabs him.

a fuckin doucher. Glad he was dealt with~!

So glad he got what was coming to him. That chick is a badass. Let's hope he doesn't make the mistake of joining us again.

Ahhh, shit-- NEVER make a pimp take off his rings.


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