You are hereThree words: Tighty whitey ride. Two words: FUCK YES.
Three words: Tighty whitey ride. Two words: FUCK YES.
09/15/2009 - 9:00pm
I can't wait...

You know you want to do this. Be at Donn's at 9pm, Tuesday September 15th. Wear your whites, and for the love of god please make sure they're clean. You wouldn't want to get in an accident and be wearing dirty underwear...
derek 3 words... bad ass fun
wear a cover up to donns! last year i think we made a few of the little old ladies a bit short of breath
derek, what about boxers?
Can't fuckin wait!!!!!!! best thing about September. Starts cooling down, and you get to wear your tighty whiteys!!!!
~ people always talk about my drinking, but never my thirst
The date in the text doesn't match the text on the picture.
Do they still make those olestra chips?
It's been 3 years already?!?!!? Insane! If I come on this, I'm bringing my mumu along like I wanted to 3 years ago :)