You are hereReally Really Free Market (incl. Guerrilla Cyclewerx) - This Sunday!
Really Really Free Market (incl. Guerrilla Cyclewerx) - This Sunday!
05/25/2008 - 1:00pm
05/25/2008 - 5:00pm
Last Sunday of every month, this goes down...

I noticed that the flyer says 5/31 which is a SATURDAY, so I'm trying to confirm the 25th date but if "last sunday of every month" is the truth then the 25th it is but I talked to one of the organizers and it turns out the 25th is when it's actually going down. Guerrilla Cyclewerx will be there fixing bikes for free, but feel free to bring them a beer or some spare parts you've got lying around for their troubles.