You are hereBenefit Show for local artist injured in a cycling accident - TONIGHT!
Benefit Show for local artist injured in a cycling accident - TONIGHT!
Tom Wald posted the following to the BicycleAustin mailing list about a benefit show tonight to aid a local artist injured on his bicycle:

What Happened To Todd?
Todd V. Wolfson, award-winning Austin photographer noted for his insightful portraits of Austin's musicians and lifestyle, is on a forced hiatus due to a career-threatening bicycle wreck. On July 11th, leisurely cruising neighborhood streets on a pre-dawn ride, Todd hit a patch of defective pavement and was thrown over the bike's handlebars into the street -- landing squarely on his right elbow and head. His elbow joint was split in half and he sustained two additional compound fractures in that arm. His head injury required 11 stitches, and he suffered numerous internal injuries.
A highly skilled orthopedic surgeon repaired Todd's arm with 16 pins and two metal plates. After several months of healing and physical therapy Todd will be able to use his right arm again to create the artistic portraits that have won him so many fans. But until that time comes, Todd is out of work -- facing staggering medical bills and a long road of painful rehabilitation.
Todd has lived as part of Austin's artistic community for 30 years, generously giving his time and skills to fellow musicians and artists. He has devoted many, many hours to creating posters, promotional pictures, and album covers for numerous charitable causes. He also grants nearly unrestricted access to his copyrighted images at no charge to his artist subjects. Because of his generous spirit, Todd is blessed with the friendship of some of the most talented people in the world. A benefit concert is planned for September 9, 2009 at Antone's nightclub in Austin.
The show is $20-25, but the band list is formidable, and DEFINITELY worth the price of admission, even beyond the fact that it's going to help a fellow cyclist. Doors open at 6, show starts at 7. Thanks for keeping us in the know Tom!
just like obama h=care to congress lies and lies see the fake audience and lies again the band rocks POLO c you there..the whole adress was staged like this..obama cannot even you know what..let there be rock seriosly, totally fake like jap tv series ghost on the shell well, it'a acdc live espana, fake audience just google video acdc live espana and compare it...same producer