You are hereRembering Chris Davis: A memorial event for a fallen cyclist

Rembering Chris Davis: A memorial event for a fallen cyclist

By Jason - Posted on 27 September 2009

By Jason - Posted on 27 September 2009

09/28/2009 - 9:00pm

Eileen of the Austin Cycling Association just sent me the following flyer for a memorial event happening Monday night at Headhunters:

Here's what she has to say about what's going to be happening:

it was a year ago that we lost Chris Davis out on East MLK and there is a memorial event Monday night at Headhunters. Abby Ruiz from Capital Zen is one of his friends organizing the event. Chris was a songwriter and musician and as part of the evening, Eddy Highway will be performing Chris' songs. I don't know what all is planned but it should draw an overlapping crowd of creative types, musicians and cyclists. Last year at the memorial held at the Alamo we watched some videos of Chris performing and his favorite movie SpaceBalls.

Tom Wald and I were also part of last year's event and we'll be back to help raise awareness of bike safety issues and speak directly to ways cyclists can reduce their risk on the road. A lot of mistakes were made that early morning - Chris' friends don't want anyone else to have to go through losing a cherished friend.

The event is open to all whether you knew Chris or not.


You may remember that a similar event was held last year at Alamo South Lamar, a week after his fatal accident. This time around the event is being held on the anniversary of his passing. As Eileen says, whether you knew Chris or not feel free to show up and show your support and solidarity amongst fellow cyclists and friends. There will be a discussion of bicycle safety led two outstanding local advocates, and following the David Byrne panel I'm sure there'll be lots of good stuff to discuss. Even if you're racing the Giro de Ghetto (full details hopefully REALLY SOON as it starts tomorrow) or getting your Heavy Metal on, swing by Headhunters afterward to show your support.

Be careful out there y'all.

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