You are hereIf you're fast enough to make it there, you're fast enough to ride...

If you're fast enough to make it there, you're fast enough to ride...

By Jason - Posted on 24 May 2008

By Jason - Posted on 24 May 2008

05/24/2008 - 8:00pm
05/24/2008 - 11:00pm

Hey guys, I got some late notice on this one (as in 15 minutes ago, thanks Max...) so you've gotta be quick to make it out there. But then again, it's a road ride so you've gotta be fast anyway. 8:00pm on the south side Capital Building steps is the place. Bring your fast bike. Oh, and it's called the Lone Star Ride. I guess because it's cheap usually plentiful on most Austin bike rides...

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