You are hereDirt Derby Cancelled again, but ThyNeighborsBike comes to the rescue with another ALLEYCROSS RACE!
Dirt Derby Cancelled again, but ThyNeighborsBike comes to the rescue with another ALLEYCROSS RACE!
10/06/2009 - 6:30pm
Yesterday the folks that organize the Dirt Derby put the word out that it would be canceled due to weather for the FOURTH consecutive week, which means that there's now been a month of missed dirt opportunities out on the Motocross track. Yet once again, our friend Daniel over at Thy Neighbors Bike has saved the day and organized another of his Alleycross races:

Meet on the Lamar Ped Bridge at 6:30pm, and bring $5, your lights, and a bike that you don't mind getting FILTHY. If you want the full details, check Daniel's blog entry about the race.