You are hereDirt Derby rained out, but Thy Neighbors Bike Alleycross race is ON!
Dirt Derby rained out, but Thy Neighbors Bike Alleycross race is ON!
Looks like once again the Dirt Derby has been cancelled due to rain, but never fear, Daniel of Thy Neighbors Bike has you covered:

Meet at the bridge, ride to the park (EAST SIIIIIIDE!), play in the mud; all for only 5 bucks.
Chalk another one up for guerrilla cyclocross! Thanks Daniel, you rule. These races have been drawing a pretty decent crowd of competitors, but what they're really needing right now is SPECTATORS! If you want to watch, ring a cowbell, heckle, or just talk mad shit on how you'd have done better if you'd only have brought your mud bike, either show up at the bridge at 6:30, or just cruise on over to Boggy Creek park around 7:30 for the start of the race. Cyclocross is great to watch because the courses are short, you typically get to see a couple good crashes, and it's fun to watch bikers with skinny tires run around in the muck. The spectating always free, but don't get too close or you might get DIRTY.