You are hereTwitter = bullshit
Twitter = bullshit
Wow, there's a lot of incorrect rumor and speculation going on within several of the local twitterers twats...
do any of y'all know how to contact these nigh-incoherent ramblers directly to set them straight, beyond actually joining twitter and becoming a twatting douchebag myself?
P.S. Leslie is still alive according to our friendly ghost within the local healthcare system. Get your sources straight, rumor mill...

"I'm not dead yet!" (photo straight up robbed from Megan's facebook page)
Leslie's condition upgraded from dead to alive? Yay!
In any event, merely posting to twitter doesn't make you a douchebag. As long as it's done in a non-douchebag manner, you'll be fine. And besides, twitter use is only one of many routes to douchebag-ness -- it's not the only one!
Apparently it's HIPPA that's making credible information about him so incredibly scarce.